Sunday, April 6, 2008


Hey guys! I am sorry we haven't posted in a while. Since we found out we were preggo we have been chillin' out. Up until last week, during spring break, I haven't wanted to do anything but come home and snuggle up on the couch. I am so glad I'm out of that funk and that I kind of feel like myself again. We are 14 weeks pregnant and things are going well:) I feel like I should be planning and purchasing, but I'm not showing that much and somewhere in my mind I've decided that showing equals having the right to shop for a baby. I think next month, after we find out if it's a boy or girl, we will start to actually nail down when we're going to go purchase our nursery furniture. Right now I just knit my blanket and read my Baby Bargains book to pass the time so that I won't go to Baby's R Us every spare moment I get:) I know, I know...I am a first-timer and I'm proud!

Well, I promise I'll get better at blogging consistently.

Have a great day!


Natalie said...

I am glad you are feeling back to your old self again! We can't wait to find out if it is a boy or girl!

Carrie said...

Welcome back to blogging!! I felt the same way about starting my major shopping until we found out it was a boy. Keep passing the time reading Baby Bargains. That book saved us tons of money!! Hit me up for some coupons too. For some reason I became the queen of coupons when I got pregnant. : ) So glad to hear that you are feeling better!

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