Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Last week we went to a local pumpkin patch with our friends from church/Joy School. DD had such a good time at the pumpkin patch with her friends! She loved the freedom to run around and play in the patch. I guess I need to take the hint and let her run around in the backyard on the days we aren't already out and about.
The little pumpkin in her hand was the first one she picked up when we got there. We were a little early and were waiting on friends so she carried this little pumpkin around the ENTIRE time. It was adorable! So even though the price came with one pumpkin DD went home with two!
The 2.2 seconds DD actually sat down the entire time we were there. She just wanted to play in the patch:)
This is me, DD, and Grandmom on the hayride. (DD rarely ever smiles in pictures these days because she's always "talking.") The workers were singing songs with the kids and I was trying to help DD with the actions, but she was running towards the pumpkin patch...again.Here's DD and some of her friends coloring.

Finally, here's my "big" girl trying to pick up a huge pumpkin. She's so funny!

She had so much fun and I'm so glad we have this memory together as mother and daughter:)


shelley said...

mia, that pumpkin is as big as you!!! and i went and bought rachelle a matching outfit with you - so you guys can be sweat pant twins!

Natalie said...

She is such a busy little girl. I love hearing her 'talk' all the time too!

Holmes Home said...

These pictures are just adorable! Miss y'all.