Thursday, October 1, 2009

It's fall yall...ha!

I am sooooo excited that it's October! This is my favorite time of year because I get to put out the fall decor, wear fun fall clothing, it's the start of pumpkin bread, the holidays, my birthday, and J's birthday!!! It's also when I seem to LOVE to have babies. DD will be one this month and her sister is coming in November:) I am too excited! I can't wait for all the great food that comes with the next few months...I LOVE food!

Happy Fall!


carrie said...

Happy Fall to you, too! This is also my favorite time of year. I've been a little giddy all day know it's October 1! And, I'm in the middle of putting up all my fall/halloween decorations right now!


Let's get together for some fun fall festivities!

Sawyers Family said...

I love this time of year, too. But I have to admit, I hate that it gets dark early.
Happy Birthday to Mia on Monday!

Natalie said...

I love it too. And I am so excited for Finley's first Halloween!