When we decided I would stay home with the girls I knew I would love it, but I knew it would be work also. I knew that I would need to make sure I taught my girls life lessons, that I would need to make sure they were learning, and that we would need to have lots of FUN:) I also knew I would have tender, sweet, ordinary moments that would stick with me and them forever!
So today's ordinary moment was going to get my toddler from her crib. I do this everyday, twice a day, but today touched me differently. She took a 3 hour nap (longer than she normally does, but she didn't have a morning nap) so part of me missed her running around because she slept for so long. When I went to get her I was ready!!! Ready to see her smile, ready to see her reach for me, and ready to feel her little hand pat me on the back as I walked her down the stairs to get her PB&J sandwich and chocolate milk.
Today, as I made her sandwich I felt like I was back in my master's degree program training to be a school counselor. I FELT the importance of staying at home with my children. It's not that I didn't think it was important before today, but I FELT it today and it was strong and I wanted to document this moment. I wanted to post this here and shout to the world that I LOVE BEING A SAHM!!!
Yes, she's in the drawer. She's climbing in EVERYTHING now!!!
Now for the smiles part of this post:
Now for the smiles part of this post:
I love these girls!!!
isn't that a great feeling. i have those moments as well. those moments are especially important after you've had a bad day with the kids and wonder why you do stay at home with them! :) you're doing great!!!
Awww. I love those moments too. Finley is now sitting when I get him from his nap and it just brings the biggest smile to my face and his. He is like look what I can do mom?
Great post. Adorable pics!
Very sweet post. Thanks for sharing!
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