Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Thinking about...


Yes, I'm thinking about running a marathon...eventually. I want to start with a 5k, then a half marathon, THEN a marathon. For those of you who don't know when I was in college I was on the dance team. However, we would joke that we were the NC State TRACK team, not dance team because we ran sooooooooo much. We would run AT LEAST 3 miles, 4 days a week and then we would practice for 3 hours. We also had to do timed miles in under 7 minutes and 30 seconds in order to dance at any performance.

So when I think about getting back into shape in addition to my pilates DVD I also want to run. Wow! I thought I would never say that, but it was always a great workout and it maintained the college figure I was so proud of back in the day:)

I've looked up some training schedules and I've found that if I never actually enter into a race the workouts are excellent running schedules.

Anyone got any tips before I embark upon this journey?


Natalie said...

I have never trained for anything larger than a 5k. So...no advice here. But I would love to run a 5k with you when you are ready! So let me know.

Andrea said...

A good pair of shoes. That's my only advice.

Great goal. You're awesome!

jax from the harmon squad said...

So Rob's been really into the fitness thing the past few months (to get ready for the Army), and actually the best way to train for long distance running is to run barefoot. You get less injuries that way and it strengthens your muscles more. We gonna see you out running in barefeet now?