Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Clean It! - Tuesday is master bedroom day

So today is master bedroom day and I have not done it yet...ha!  So after I hit "publish" I will go into the bedroom and tidy up so I can check it off the "Clean It!" list:).

The way I keep the room organized is to keep it DE-CLUTTERED!  It's hard with little kids, but I try really hard to keep the toys out.  I read somewhere that you should keep your room free of kid stuff and although some would disagree, I LOVE this!  Now don't get me wrong, when I have an infant in a bassinet I make exceptions.  But keeping this "rule" in mind has helped cut down on how much I have to clean when I clean this space each week.

So I'm off to clean my space!



1 comment:

jax from the harmon squad said...

I've started doing the no toys in the master bedroom thing too and LOVE it!! Same with my studio. It's so nice to have spaces that really are "mine" now:) Granted, my studio houses all the homeschooling stuff so it's no kid free, but I don't mind that mess like the toys!