Saturday, June 21, 2008

My Growing Tummy:)

Different family members have asked to see my growing tummy so below is a slide show of my progress:) I waited so long because I thought it would be more impressive if you could actually see a difference. I am currently in my 25th week so as I continue to grow I will add to the album until it's complete and the baby is here!!!



shelley said...

you look so beautiful in all your pictures! and i didn't remember you showing at 11 weeks, but in the picture it looks like you were.

Natalie said...

YAY! I love watching the belly grow! SO excited for you guys!

Vlazny's said...

You look great! Before you know it little Mia will be here.
I have done a horrible job at taking pictures this pregnancy. I dont think I have one yet.

Holmes Home said...

You look beautiful and SMALL! I only wish I looked like that pregnant! :)Stacie