Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Our baby girl is learning to walk!!! I am soooo proud of her and so amazed at the same time. She's turning into a little girl.

We love you Dancin' Diva!!!

(sorry about my crazy laugh at the end...ha!)


jax from the harmon squad said...

Go Mia, Go! (I think pretty soon we'll be saying Stop Mia, Stop!) Babies are SO CUTE when they start walking!

Holmes Home said...

You're in trouble now! Glad we can at least see the milestones via computer :) Miss you all - and miss your laugh!

Unknown said...

I am SOOO excited to see that!! Thanks for posting! (I always hate to hear myself on camera too, and it's louder since us moms are using holding the camera!)

You can tell she is so proud of herself. The excitement of this is just SO BIG for her and her whole family. We are so proud of her!! Abby's going to LOVE THIS!

Sawyers Family said...

I can't believe she's already walking! That's CRAZY! Before long she'll be running through the house! But at least you won't have to carry two babies when the next one arrives!

Natalie said...

That is so exciting! She is so advanced!

April said...

She just couldn't wait any longer! She's ready for some cheering and dancing!