Friday, July 13, 2007

Cedrick is GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So the crew gets together every Wednesday to watch So You Think You Can Dance (SYTYCD). This season has been very upsetting because the judges have kept this annoying guy, Cedrick, on the show for WAY TOO LONG! So J gave me the news at midnight last night that Cedrick is no longer on the show...yippeeeeee!!! For those of you who do not watch the show, Cedrick was the Sonjaya (from American Idol) of SYTYCD. I know this post is kind of random, but I had to post it because I needed to release my excitement for Cedrick's journey home:) Thank you for letting me share a very cathartic moment with you...ha!



shelley said...

FINALLY!!! And Lacey and Kameron have yet to be in the bottom three - the only couple left who hasn't been! He he! Oh, and when you get to watch the Shane Sparks routine with Sabra and Dominic, call me to tell me how much you LOVE IT!!

jax from the harmon squad said...

YAY!!!!! I've been watching So You Think You Can Dance while staying at my parent's house (we don't have cable) and I have been waiting for Cedrick to go! I'm just glad it washime and not Hok- we were able to catch his dance while in Iowa but that was it, and we (my sisters and I) were worried.

Natalie said...

I just got into this show and love it! Yeah it was Cedric's time. But I was sad for that blond girl. I didn't like the ballroom dancer's stuff at all. I mean she danced to a song with the lyrics I like it Kinky! Gross.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it was definitely Cedrick's time to go. I think Lacey is awesome, and did you see Benji in the audience all proud of his sister? Wasn't that cute?

Anonymous said...

Why you hating on Cedrick?!?!? LOL I'm just kidding. He did need to go a long time ago. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, BTW, this is Nicole. :)

Anonymous said...

Now that SYTYCD is over, I'd say we're all ready for a new blog post from the Holmesies...

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!